The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42532   Message #619717
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
01-Jan-02 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Year's Eve in the Neil Young Center
Subject: RE: BS: New Year's Eve in the Neil Young Center
I never realized that the Neil Young and Shatner Centers were in competition. But since Canadian, non certified treatment centres seem to be in vogue..

How about the Alex Trebek Institute for the Perpetually Pedantic. ATIPP will officaly open its doors on Feb 2 whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow.

The Celine Dione Centre For False Modesty is under proposal. CDCFFM

As is the Jim Carey And Tom Green Assosiation of People too Rude to Stay Canadian JCATGAOPTRTSC