The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42545   Message #619999
Posted By: weepiper
02-Jan-02 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Name of apartments, condos, townhouses
Subject: RE: What's in a Name??
JEM, a similar thing is underway in Edinburgh, a new (fairly posh) development was named 'Trotter Haugh' after a family called the Trotters who had been prominent in the area for a long time - 'haugh' is a scots word meaning gently sloping land beside a river, accurately describing the situation.
The residents got all snotty about it because of the tv comedy show 'Only Fools And Horses' in which the main family is called Trotter. The residents thought Trotter Haugh sounded too much like it was something to do with Rodney and Del Boy and didn't have the right genteel ring, and they also whinged about haugh being 'too hard to spell or pronounce'. They wanted to change the name to something turgid and irrelevant with no local connection, I don't remember exactly what but it was indistinguishable from the usual sorts of names found in modern estates across the UK...soulless stuff like 'Meadow Drive' or 'Knowesley Park' or 'Beech Gardens' etc etc. Yeech