The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42610   Message #620241
Posted By: Mark Cohen
03-Jan-02 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
I have to tell you, Doug, when I read your post, my first thought was, " why would Clinton have made it particularly difficult for gay white boys? And why should that affect DougR? Hmmm...unless we've all been missing something..." Then I figured it out.

Actually, I'm afraid 3-letter presidents are a thing of the past. FDR...JFK...LBJ, now those were Presidents. After that it kind of fell apart: RMN just didn't do it. (Besides, Nixon was a nice short name, and the whole thing was to make the headlines easier to write, right? That's why Ike could be Ike and didn't have to be DDE.) And who the hell was GRF? RR had a nice ring to it, but it was only two letters, after all. And JC was already taken... Then there was GHWB--nope, too many letters, and Bush was easier to pronounce. BC? also taken (you know, the comic strip). So I'm afraid GWB doesn't stand a chance. But you're right, Doug, he does seem to be making it a full-time job.

What was that movie, again?

Mark, procrastinating again