The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1621   Message #6207
Posted By: Cathy Brady
04-Jun-97 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: Folk Songs to Ditch
I really should let go of this thread, huh? Last night at a BG jam the guy next to me pulled out his book of lyrics and it was "Rise up.."! So I guess it was my week to learn about it. As for MIchael, He's got the whole world... etc, I have learned to love these songs again because I've been singing them with the "Excetpional Learners" (retarded adults) Sunday School group. I've even learned to love Jesus Loves Me - which is a song I never remember liking. The key is that the folks singing all love the music and are happy to be singing something they know. How the group feels about singing might be the key. Which might explain the successes of old saws on Prairie HOme Companion.