The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #715   Message #6208
Posted By: Hutch
04-Jun-97 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Ploughboy
Subject: RE: The Ploughboy-anyone know it?
I know of two songs about farmboys.

The first is the Jolly Ploughboy:

Come all you jolly plough boys and listen to me, I'll sing in the praise of the plough, For if we don't labour how shall we buy bread, Work, sing and be merry with all. (this is actually a corruption of two version I had sung as a boy, but it gives the idea) Tune in 3 time:- s/ddr/tdr/tdl/s-s/drm/smd/r-m/smr/mfs/ mrd/s-s/drs/frt/d-

The second is one that I can't actually remember but it is somewhere in my unctalogued 78 collecttion, on a 1920ish Zonophone disc called the Merry Farmboy.