The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9563   Message #62157
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
09-Mar-99 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: MUDSTOCK 99
Subject: RE: MUDSTOCK 99
If you are a fly fisherman, this is as close to heaven as it gets! Imagine waking up early, while the rest of the camp's asleep, and wetting your line by the golden light of a Montana sunrise. Or fishing as the moon comes out, with the sound of sweet music coming from the campfires.

It is also just 50 miles to Big Fork, the headwaters of the Madison and the Jefferson( Both named by Lewis and Clark while on their journey of exploration), and the Bighorn is just 70 miles away. There are more blue ribbon trout streams within an 80 mile radius of Columbus than anywhere in the lower 48.

Columbus is a small town, but offers several restaurants, taverns, tackle shops and motels. They would all be within walking distance of the park. Course most of us would be just fine sleeping in our tents and campers, and eating off the grill. Aron wanted me to give out his email address in case anyone had questions about anything. It is

This is exciting! I am looking forward to that midnight jam where Art sings "Tennessee Stud" accompanied by Rick and Sandy. Or maybe Dan will favor us with "Lord Bateman" accompanied only by the rush of the Yellowstone and the breeze in the cottonwoods. What say?