The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7089   Message #621589
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
05-Jan-02 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lone Pilgrim
Subject: RE: Lone Pilgrim
"Lone Pilgrim," as recorded by Dylan in 1993 and reproduced in the first post by Joe, is identical to the Doc Watson and Family recording of 1963 (Folkways FA2366 side B) except for the first line of the third verse- Watson sings "the call from my master" rather than "of my master." Both changed "pensively" in the 2nd line, 1st verse, to "patiently" (less pertinent to the meaning of the verse). Dylan The Doc Watson recording is my favorite among those that I have heard.
Note on copyright: This has been covered in other threads, but Dylan's copyright is really to protect his recording from playing on media without payment (also to prosecute pirates) and to prevent unauthorized taping of his performances. The basic tune and words of this old song, of course, are open to anyone who wishes to perform their own version (and they can copyright their rendition for the same purposes).
A White and Pace version (1993) removes any sense from the 3rd verse by changing "No kindred" to "Though kindred."