The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40681   Message #621621
Posted By: Murray MacLeod
05-Jan-02 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Max is already sitting on a veritable goldmine.I refer to the Mudcat software. There is no other discussion group on the net which is so user-friendly. (The software, I mean)

Try this site for a typical example of a commercial website with discussion groups which are an absolute nightmare to navigate round. And that site is typical of thousands of sites on the net. Heavy duty commercial sites, not shoestring enthusiast efforts.

If it is possible for the Mudcat software to be grafted onto sites like this in order to facilitate the dicussion groups, then Max is a potential millionaire. The only site I have ever visited which is anything like as friendly and easy to use is the MIMF Forum, and even that falls well short of Mudcat standards.
