The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42454   Message #622108
Posted By: gnu
06-Jan-02 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Invasion of the Manatees
Subject: RE: BS: The Invasion of the Manatees
Wish I had joined this thread earlier. I wish to identify another hazard to mankid. While continued efforts to get rid of owls, eagles, manatees, and others are laudible, I'm talking about something far more incidious... the RETURN of species from declared extinction. All those years of hard work gone down the drain.

I will speak of that which I know. Here in New Brunswick, Canada, we have specific sprecies which are a problem. First, I refer to the Eastern Brush Wolf. When they started to appear twenty years ago, there was a big campaign by the tree huggers, covertly, of course, to pooh pooh the problem. At first, their existance was denied. Then, when sightings became reality, they got everyone calling them coyotes, coydogs, yotes, and other cutsie-pie names. They were held up as loners, small and ineffective hunters. Feeling sorry for them, some of the farmers began feeding them sheep at night. Then, the city folk started feeding them cats and small dogs. By then, it was too late. Now we are overrun with packs of them.... yotes don't hunt in packs... wolves do... yes, WOLVES !!! In New Brunswick, AGAIN !!!

Now, it's the big cats. For a few years, the tree huggers, again covertly, made out that the sightings of these creatures were akin to UFO sightings. That the sighters were drunk or deranged. No way could there be the return of the Cougar. Another cutsie name for the the Easter Panther, a viscious predator, easily capable of taking down a slow moving drunk on an ATV.

We can't stop the snarling, drooling, devil dog now... it's too late. But, quick action to re-eradicate the Panther may still be possible. I urge everyone to buy an ATV, a gun, lots of ammo and a six pack... just make sure that the retailers are members of "Never Again" and a portion of the profits will go to making sure that species like the Eastern Panther are kept where they belong, in the past. That way, the big lumber companies won't be hindered by protected forest/habitat legislation and can continue their true calling, clear cutting the forests. Remember, clear cutting is the quickest and surest way to rid the earth of such vile species as the Atlantic Salmon, Speckled Trout... actually, any fresh water fish that lays eggs in running water.

This madness must be stopped. The destruction of the earth is in the balance.