The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13471   Message #623247
Posted By: Art Thieme
08-Jan-02 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Favourite Cowboy Songs-Second Edition
Subject: RE: Favourite Cowboy Songs-Second Edition
"Billy Vanero" was from a poem by Eban Rexford, the author of "Silver Threads Among The Gold". "Billy Vanero" was on my first LP---for Kicking Mule.

Also on that album was "Blue Mountain" by Judge Fred Keller of Monticello, Utah. I learned it from Frank Hamilton who did it on his LP for Concert Disc called The Folksinger's Folksinger. Frank, I still think that was one of the best records of real folksongs ever done---by anyone. I wish I still had it. You ought to make it available--somehow !!

On That's The Ticket for Sandy's Folk-Legacy, I did the song "Dobe Bill" (called "The Killer" in Lomax). Also "The Red River Shore"----another cowboy version of a Child ballad.

On the second Kicking Mule LP, I did Michael Burton's "Night Rider's Lament".