The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9474   Message #62367
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
11-Mar-99 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: Can we lighten up a little?
Subject: RE: Can we lighten up a little?
Amazing how the "What kind of Condoms Do Mudcatters prefer?" thread continues to raise its up.. I mean, continues to recur. Despite our misgivings,we continue to plunge in, again and again. In the absence of any organized resistance, it manages to poke and probe, relentlessly insinuating itself into the collective consciousness.Alas, must every innocent ejaculation of verbal joy be fraught with double meaning?! Scorn the Condom! Withdraw, I say! The quality of our mutual intercourse is in jeopardy! I would labor like a Trojan to free us from this long, slow slide into oblivion! Sleepers Awake! The noble cock has already risen-his cries penetrate the heavens from yonder hill!

OK. Now I need a cigarette.