The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9474   Message #62449
Posted By: catspaw49
11-Mar-99 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: Can we lighten up a little?
Subject: RE: Can we lighten up a little?
I'm thinking what we need is a perpetually running "Smart-Ass" thread...a place for quick and possibly offensive wisecracks with a first post explaining that no one should be offended by anything they read here, these are just stupid jokes that we gotta' get out. Like on thread titles...It's hard at times not to throw out some smart aleck line just for a laugh. Like right now, look at some of them......

"Grandfather born 18-- sang a ditty" -- Yep, popped right out of the womb and gave everyone a rousing rendition of Yankee Doodle.

"Sad Song by Jean Redpath" -- Oh yeah, that narrows it down a lot.

"Song about 64 Buffalo" -- Sorry, I only know one about 62 buffalo...but would you settle for 76 trombones?

"Song that Moved Me" -- to the tune of "Wild Thing" how bout a real favorite, "Prune Juice.. ..You Make My Bowels Loose.. ..Prune Juice.. ..You Really Move Me....>I Gotta' Go For Sure>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Well I feel beter already. NOI
