The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42837   Message #624852
Posted By: Coyote Breath
10-Jan-02 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
Oh what a lovely thread!

How good to know there's much to attract the eye and heart in "the North". My daughter just returned from Belfast, she and granddaughter had a snow fall! Now they live in California, you see. Molly (daughter) and Serena (granddaughter) couldn't get over the even and Molly took many photos which I will try to get from her so I can see them and if anyone else wants a look I'll make them available. Molly is a rather accomplished photog, had a one woman show in Santa Cruz last year.

My mother's people originated in Antrim. Her name was Moyle as the river and the district, etc. I just found a song about the river which I need to hear non-midi music for if anyone can point me in that direction I will be grateful.

When daughter Molly emmigrates to Belfast in 2003 to attend Queens for her grad work I'm supposed to come and stay with her. I'm looking forward to it and hops to find all the places you all have mentioned still viable and no "Giant's Causeway World" theme park. I understand that the formation is one of the oldest geological formations on the planet.

Where is "Home" that the trip is only 35 pounds? I'm sure it is much more from St. Louis