Hi Matthew, here's the tune Mudcat style, (directions for unpacking in the middle, get Alan's free program or use the ABC) but if you'd rather have me send you a MIDI, my email is millikan@viclink.com.
Oregon is a ways from NYC, think I'll have to pass. Surely there's more than enough of everything in the Big Apple?
MIDI file: lower.mid
Timebase: 240
TimeSig: 6/8 36 8
Tempo: 100 (600000 microsec/crotchet)
0600 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0192 0 67 064 0048 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 66 080 0192 0 66 064 0048 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0288 0 62 064 0072 1 69 080 0288 0 69 064 0072 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0432 0 69 064 0048 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 59 080 0192 0 59 064 0048 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 67 080 0192 0 67 064 0048 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 71 080 0288 0 71 064 0072 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 71 080 0048 0 71 064 0012 1 71 080 0144 0 71 064 0036 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0552 0 67 064
EndThis program is worth the effort of learning it.
To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here
ABC format: