The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42970   Message #625130
Posted By: Joe Offer
10-Jan-02 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: What annoys me about mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: What annoys me about mudcat
I think you'll find that it's mostly newcomers who give unclear titles to threads and fail to acknowledge answers to lyrics requests. I guess we have to realize that these people are a bit bewildered by this Mudcat that we're so used to, and they don't realize what's expected of them. You'll find a good example in this thread (click). The same person posted a request for the same song in December, and got a reply in ten minutes. This time, I sent an e-mail reply, so that should take care of it - but I'm sure the requestor won't be able to find to original thread to post a thank-you.
The lesson in this is that newcomers are ordinarily bewildered by Mudcat, and it's up to us to accommodate them. Yeah, it's annoying - but that's life.

SharonA complains about misnamed threads. She's right - it is downright annoying. What she doesn't realize, though, is that it happens a lot less often now than it used to. Pene and I monitor the Forum, and change generic thread names and combine duplicate threads whenever we see a need for it. The Clones can't change thread names or alter the content of messages, but they do a wonderful job of correcting technical problems in messages. Oftentimes, we make the changes before anybody notices. We miss a few, but I think we do a pretty good job of fixing the least-descriptive thread titles and correcting messy HTML. We're not here all the time; but I think that between the two of us and the Clones, we scan the forum and make changes several times a day.
It's probably not a good idea to post requests for thread title changes or other editing (except for HTML that locks threads), unless it's for a thread that has been up for a day without being corrected. We try to follow up on requests posted in the Help Forum - but most of the time, the corrections have been made before we see the correction request.
-Joe Offer-