The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43021   Message #626560
Posted By: Bat Goddess
12-Jan-02 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: Sing Out Magazine - Oldest?
Subject: RE: Sing Out Magazine - Oldest?
Volume I, No. 1 -- May, 1950. Sing Out! A Peoples (sic) Artists Publication Cover price 25ยข and with "The Hammer Song" by Lee Hays and Pete Seeger on the cover.

"Hold the Line"
"Banks of Marble"
"La Borinquena"
"No More Reds in the Union"
"It's Almost Done"
"Miner's Doom"

Nope, I was pretty young at the time (not quite a year old) and even Curmudgeon had only been reading a few years and was, I think, yet to embark on his musical career (singing an American folk song at a talent contest at a fairly young age -- he'll have to fill in the details; we've only been married for 20 years).

We found and bought a cache of early Sing Outs at an antiquarian bookshop in Newburyport, MA in the early '80s. I really should catalog our collection (of reference books, too, and not just Sing Outs and English Dance & Song and Broadsides, etcet etcet), but I'm pretty sure we have a complete set of at least the first 5 years or so.

I don't think I acquired current copies until the '70s and didn't subscribe until the mid-'80s.
