The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43070   Message #627348
Posted By: Bob Bolton
13-Jan-02 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: Origins/Tune Req: The MTA Song
Subject: RE: Tune Req: The MTA Song
G'day all,

The MTA Song was originally a political campaign song - targetting the Boston incumbents' strange fare rise whereby the 10¢ at a turnstile to enter the station was retained ... but a new turnstile collected another 5¢ to let you out. The story is printed in my Sing Out Reprints ... somewhere. Apparently, there were protests at the time the Kingston trio put out their version, from people who objected to "politics" being involved in folk songs ... ?!?

The words seem to be a pretty straight parody of the Henry Clay Work original ... much like a number of trades parodies found here in Australia. However, the KT probably had the later version of the tune rattling about in their heads, so it would inevitably drift that way.


Bob Bolton