The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29501   Message #627933
Posted By: BanjoRay
14-Jan-02 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: Gainsborough OT Festival
Subject: RE: Gainsborough OT Festival
The FOAOTMAD Gainsborough UK Old Time festival is back on the weekend of 15-17 Feb 2002.

This year the stars are Tom, Brad and Alice from the States- that is Tom Sauber on banjo, Brad Leftwich on Fiddle and Alice Gerard on guitar.

The other bands will be The New Deal String Band (Ben Paley, Joe Locker and the legendary Tom Paley), Ireland's superb Rough Deal String Band with Bill Whelan immaculately playing his Kevin Enoch 12in banjo and a UK band Old Faded Glory, with Barry Murphy, John O'Connell and Tony Wetjen.

Chris Ginn from the US, a favorite from last year, will be doing and teaching his high octane flatfooting and buckdancing, while Roughshod from Gloucestershire will also be dancing and teaching.

After the festival, there will be a three day workshop run by Tom, Brad and Alice on their respective band instruments.

Anything else?
A bar and loads of classrooms to hold jams and workshops - many members bring their instruments

Where is it? -
Castle Hills Community Arts College,
The Avenue,
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire.
This is a new venue.

Accommodation? -
Indoor camping in the college (or outside if you bring a tent)

Cost? -
Festival weekend ticket (indoor camping included)35 pounds (non-members of FOAOTMAD) 30 pounds (members)
Post-festival Workshops(indoor camping & food included) - 120 pounds (non-members), 110 pounds (members)

Where from? -
Keith Johnson (01427) 613643
15 Walkerith Road
DN21 3DA

HREF="">Friends Of American Old Time Music And Dance, a UK national society

Ray (a member who'll be going, but not an organizer)