The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9474   Message #62844
Posted By: catspaw49
13-Mar-99 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: Can we lighten up a little?
Subject: RE: Can we lighten up a little?
Trust me Mom undoubtedly is doing a few flips at minus six herself, but.....

"There is only what is; what should be never existed."

Helluva' quote huh? That comes from being a philosophy major at a liberal arts college in the '60's. Kierkegaard, Buber, Sarte, Barth...all those great minds were bound to have an influence. 'Course that quote which I tend to live by comes from Lenny Bruce.........what can I say?

Hey...a little input on the high line guitar thread would be welcome...I truly (no BS) admire your knowledge!
