The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42837   Message #628892
Posted By: Aidan Crossey
16-Jan-02 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
Fibula ...

I thank you ...

And now, the way's open of course to anyone who wants to rip the ass out of their county song to do so. (Christ, I'm glad I was given a legitimate opportunity to tear "The Boys From The County Armagh" asunder ... it's the most irritating song I've ever heard ... even worse than "The Fields of Athenry! I've been wanting to shred it for half my life.)

However ... it occurs to me that no matter how hard we attempt this task, we'll be pushed to compete with Ernie Badness and Control Zone's rip through the oul' county anthems at the start of the BBC Northern Ireland's "youth" programme a few years back ("Bout 'Ye"?). The memory of their buzz-saw guitar driven rendition of "Pretty Little Girl From Omagh" still rings in my ears after all these years ...