The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43158   Message #629309
Posted By: Jimmy C
16-Jan-02 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Bloody Sunday - Bloody Disgrace?
Subject: RE: Bloody Sunday - Bloody Disgrace?

I'm sure you did not mean it about the 100 foot wall filled with water.

Red Eye - Bloody Sunday happened barely 30 years ago. Is there a dollar value and time limit to forgetting these things. ?. Is there a time limit to forget Slavery/ The Holocaust/ Pearl Harbour/ Hiroshima/ The world Trade Centre. etc. etc. etc. Before we can settle the Bloody Sunday debate, the truth must be known, as in many other enquiries throughout history, they all take a long time before they can be called complete. The present inquiry hopefully will answer some unanswered questions, like , exactly what happened to cause unarmed civilians to be shot in the back by British Soldiers. How long would it take you to forget if this happened in your country ?.