The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42837   Message #629625
Posted By: Aidan Crossey
17-Jan-02 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
It's groundhog day!!

Brendan Shine ... the Antichrist of Irish music ... I hope you took sensible precautions before typing that name into your machine (I had mine blessed by both of the boys in purple in Armagh and got a druid to waggle a lump of burnin' sage in front of it before I did!)

Anybody ever notice how oul' Shine has an irritating habit of sticking his tongue out in a fairly distatsteful manner when he's "resting" between lines. Makes me want to boke me ring.

(But ... fer Jaysus' sake, man ... is it any worse a habit than opening his oul gub and goulin' sentimental oul' bollocks?)

The voices!

(Sorry Airto .. the opportunity was too good to miss!)