The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43158   Message #629886
Posted By: Hillheader
17-Jan-02 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: Bloody Sunday - Bloody Disgrace?
Subject: RE: Bloody Sunday - Bloody Disgrace?
The point is Redeye that this was done by Government forces supposedly there to keep the peace.

Up until then the soldiers were still seen as protecting the minority. Remember the scenes on the Falls when the women brought tea to the soldiers? Remember that the first shots fired at soldiers was from a rooftop on the Shankhill?

Bloody Sunday changed all that irrevocably. No one seeks to justify the Warrington, Manchester or any other bombing or killing carried out in the alledged name of nationalism but it does not alter the fact that these were British soldiers there in a so-called peace-keeping role.

This was state murder and then the cover-up began. The difference between Bloody Sunday and Watergate is that the US were quick enough to smell and eliminate the rat. The UK has taken 30 years.

