The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43205   Message #630198
Posted By: Rick Fielding
17-Jan-02 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: Torrid Tales: The Housing Co-op
Subject: RE: Torrid Tales: The Housing Co-op
Ahhh, 112 Admiral Road in Toronto. 12 of us attempting to live communally. Major disaster! Some immediate thoughts:

Dispite a feeble attempt to be egalitarian at first, it ended up with the women doing most of the cleaning 'cause they couldn't stand the shoddy job done by the guys.

When the vegetarians did the cooking, three of us would lie about 'other obligations' and flee to the nearest burger joint. A meeting was held (and boy, were there a lot of them) informing us that not eating dinner together was very 'anti-communal' and that I should damn well learn to like cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, and whatever awful veggies the Creator provided. I dice.

Jealousy!! After a few months every woman had slept with every guy....except one! He felt like total shit, and got really nasty with everyone.

A member came running in the door one day yelling "We're gonna be busted in ten minutes, quick, eat this hash!!" We did. We weren't busted, but nobody slept for three days. We just sat there talking pretentious gibberish to each other......then we ALL slept for three days!

Ahh youth.
