The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43231   Message #630858
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jan-02 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: I am turning into Rick Fielding
Subject: RE: I am turning into Rick Fielding
Dai - There may still be time to control or even reverse the metamorphosis! I recommend getting up very early and taking a COLD shower first thing EVERY morning. NEVER stay up past 8:30 pm. Avoid the subject of music at all costs, unless it's rap or hiphop. Do NOT impulsively purchase expensive and exotic instruments! Talk about "guy" football, chainsaws, babes, and automatic transmissions. Get your hands dirty repairing household machinery. Spit frequently. Watch plenty of violent action films and NEVER read anything...except the Toronto Sun. Avoid the company of intellectual types like the notorious Peter T. Mention to anyone who cares to listen that Bob Dylan can't sing, and never could play worth a damn either.

If all else fails, chain yourself to a wall during full moon periods...but don't give in to the Fielding Curse!

- LH