This one is sort of inspired by Mrzzy's tone deafness thread but I thought it worth a thread of its own...A couple of days ago, I tired to transcribe "Donegal Danny" for the dt and was reminded of a horrible problem I have with music and I think the reason why I can rarely make sense of the dots. It really comes down to this: I know the rules but at times, I simple can not tell which note is longer than another - I can hear one note longer than another and know for example I need a dotted note and a shorter not but most of the time, there is no way I can tell which order they should be in - I have to write, listen and maybe try the other way round before I get it right.
Perhaps more perplexing is that most of the music I play is dance music and I'm quite sensitive to rythyms and tempo - I tend to fit in best with sessions where timing is reasonably tight and can get upset when others drift...
Any others experience this or any explainations?