The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43301   Message #632651
Posted By: Snuffy
21-Jan-02 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Remember, Remember? (recalling lyrics)
Subject: RE: Help: Remember, Remember?

Everyone forgets lyrics from time to time (including me) and I was in no way criticising that. We are all human.

I was pointing out the impression that an audience will get if a performer is obviously reading the words. You should aim to personalise a song - make it somehow "yours". I just think that if anyone is reading the words, then it isn't really personal - and the audience will pick that up.

I think probably the best cure is simply time - keep on keeping on, and eventually you'll get so used to feeling nervous, that you won't feel nervous about it any more. Best of luck.

WassaiL! V