The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43386   Message #633397
Posted By: Deckman
22-Jan-02 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: Baptist Sunday School words offensive?
Subject: RE: Baptist Sunday Sunday words offensive???
Darned good thread!. Back in the 1950's, I was the "token white" in an all black theatre group in Seattle. Grand time, grand people, grand experiences. Besides being the resident folksinger, I was also being trained as a stage actor. (it must have worked as I've into my second marriage now) ((sorry))! (((sorta)))! The song you posted has very strong overtones of earlier years of racial segregation and black predudice. No doubt about that! It also happens to be a darned good song, especially for youngsters, Baptist or otherwise. It's a real delemma ... what to do? Change the words and bastardize the song? I'm enough of a purist that I won't change the words just to make it acceptable today. The songs I sing now are yesterday history! Don't sing the song? I don't have a good answer. I refuse to sing these songs, and I know many, in public any more. I do however enjoy them to myself, and at the occasional hoot, with my dear friends that also shared those years. If someone has a better answer, I'd love to hear it. CHEERS, Bob