The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42287   Message #633592
Posted By: mooman
23-Jan-02 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: World's best joke
Subject: RE: BS: World's best joke
OK ...I give in! Risque joke alert!

Two fleas are on holiday on the beach in Italy. One is shivering uncontrollably. The first flea to arrive says "What's the problem...why are you shivering so much?" The second flea replies "I just arrived...travelled over the Alps in the beard of a man on a motorbike. I'm frozen stiff!"

The first flea replies "That's not the way to travel, you should do what I did. Hitched a ride down to Dover. Saw an Italian registered car about to embark onto the ferry with a beautiful woman in it. Hopped on her leg and up! Arrived here no problem! That's the way to travel!"

"Sounds great!" says the second flea "I'll try that next year!"

Next year comes around and flea one is already settled in on the beach. The second flea arrives, once again shivering uncontrollably. "What's the problem?..." says flea one "...didn't you follow my advice?" "Oh yes..." says the second flea "...absolutely to the letter." "Got down to Dover, found an Italian car and a beautiful woman just like you said...hopped on and up and settled down to sleep!" "Next thing, I woke up and I was in the beard of a man going over the Alps on a motorbike!"
