The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43424   Message #634507
Posted By: kendall
24-Jan-02 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: Why is this place so bitter?
Subject: RE: Why is this place so bitter?
Thanks to all of you who got something out of my post. There are many ways of saying the same thing, "What goes around, comes around" etc. There is a piece of eastern philosophy that sticks in my head, "Your opinion of me is none of my business." No one can MAKE you feel sad, glad, mad or whatever. YOU make that decision. If someone disrespects you, it says more about them than about you, but, how you feel about it is strictly up to you. You can either laugh in his/her face, weep bitterly or clock the bastard. As Shakespere said "Nothing is good or bad, thinking makes them so." I like to think that we all know how to be decent caring people, but, sometimes our own "stuff" gets in the way and we react with our reptilian brain. I lit into my doctor the other day when he complained that he and his staff had worked on my problem all day! I told him I had worked on it for almost a year! His time is valuable to him, my voice is valuable to me. Simple.