The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43454   Message #634977
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
24-Jan-02 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism
There are all kinds of alcoholics. Some are called Weekend Warriors. We had one in my family. I think what he was most addicted to was playing cards at the tavern, and drinking with his buddies. If they'd all drunk tea (like in England) he probably would have ended up with a weak bladder. Haven't learned how to make the "just kidding" symbol yet. I gained some insight into the bar as "home," when I was old enough to drink and went around to bars in the area. After my friend and I went in a few times, everybody called "hello," when we walked in the door. Neither of us were much for drinking, but we liked the feeling of the place. The bar we went to encouraged people to bring in their guitars, and they had an old Gibson behind the bar, if you didn't have one. I think for a lot of guys who had a few beers, it was the friendship and B.S. that attracted them. Not unlike us folks at Mudcat.