The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43454   Message #635026
Posted By: Jeri
24-Jan-02 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism
Sorcha, I think that was close to what Frank's former viewpoint was, although I don't think he ever described it in quite the vehement negative terminology as ollaimh did. Let's face it, ANY statement that basically consists of "all whomevers are [insert negative adjective(s)]" isn't worth paying much attention to. It's either the sign of a mind closed and welded shut or extreme sarcasm. In my own personal experience, the ratio of jerks to non-jerks in alcoholics vs non-alcoholics is about the same, and both have an increased chance of acting like jerks when drinking.

The difference from an alcoholic and me is, when I drink, the alcohol doesn't seem to do much for me. Well, I get drunk if I have enough, but I don't seem to feel any better. If I did, I'm quite sure there would be no difference at all.