The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43369   Message #635277
Posted By: CapriUni
25-Jan-02 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: songs suitable for illustration
Subject: RE: songs suitable for illustration
From Steve:

"I think we should encourage this kind of thing, and maybe Amy (and others) would make them available through the Mudcat?"

I think that is a Wonderful Idea, Steve!! Capital!

I was reading, at the Contempator's short History of Broadside Ballads (here), that people who would buy broadsides would paste them up wherever it was convenient to read them, until the song was learned, and then take them down or paste over them.

I suppose folks could do that by printing out lyrics in the DT, but it wouldn't be as much fun as having them beautifully illustrated... Maybe Amy and/or artiste types around here could start Mudcat's own BoM club (Broadside of the month, club, that is ;-)) and offer a different song for auction on the 1st of each month.

I know I'd be interested in having a set.. I wouldn't just paste 'em up and take em down, though. I'd frame them very nicely, and put them on rotating display, for my guests and my own enjoyment -- maybe in the bathroom [where reading matter is always apreciated] or the bedroom [for the bawdy songs, of course ;-)], the library for the lyrical or historical songs, the dining area for the feasting/drinking songs, etc...

What do you say, Mudcatters? What can we do to revive and reinvent the broadside tradition?