The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43494   Message #635710
Posted By: John Gray
25-Jan-02 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: Australia Day
Subject: RE: Australia Day
Gee, give us a break, we're one of the youngest countries on earth. Most of the big shit was already invented before we hit the scene. You know, the wheel, words, war etc. but in the microsecond we've been around here is a short list of some of our inventions;
Heart pacemaker.
Black box flight recorder.
Inflatable escape slide.
Pick-up truck.
Bionic ear, cochlear implant.
Car radio & police car radio.
Invitro fertilisation and embryo implant. Exploding bullets ( we must have a lot of bad shots ! )
Unfortunately I cannot do the blue clicky but a comprehensive list can be viewed at;
And marmite is English, ours is vegemite. And what about the boomerang, the didgeredoo, teflon coated paper money ....