The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43469   Message #635730
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Jan-02 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: OBIT: Peter Gzowski R.I.P.
Subject: RE: OBIT: Peter Gzowski R.I.P.
I had a look at the article on Peter Gzowski's smoking, and it speaks volumes. I've always been about as anti-smoking as any person I've ever known, since I hate the smell of burning tobacco, and I've never been a smoker. I was not aware till today how badly it damaged Peter Gzowski's health. Maybe he actually did smoke more than Dylan. I don't think there's ever been anyone born who smokes more than Joni Mitchell, when she's offstage.

I detest smoking. My town is full of teenagers walking around smoking just like their idiot predecessors did when I was a teenager 35 years or so ago, but things have improved some. I believe less than 50% of them smoke now, as opposed to 99.9 % when I was growing up. I was among the 00.1 % who didn't at that time.

Tobacco manufacturers are pushers and murderers, and they know it, but money talks doesn't it? The usual story. The government should go directly after the tobacco companies, not the poor suckers they've hooked on a deadly addictive drug. The reason the government doesn't is that the very rich have powerful friends in high places, and the sale of tobacco and the taxes on tobacco products provide big revenue to both the government and the GDP.

"Money doesn't talk, it swears" - Bob Dylan

- LH