The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43546   Message #636629
Posted By: saulgoldie
27-Jan-02 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: Newbie Intro, And Then Some...
Subject: RE: Newbie Intro, And Then Some...
AwwwwRIGHT! The *hat trick*!!! I made "the clique." And on my first active day! I am now going to go outside and enjoy a rare 60o January day. I think I might even bring my Guild J-30 and serenade the neighborhood (whether they like it or not!) with some rough rehearsing.

Thanks to all for the lovely welcome. I will be actually *contributing* as opposed to just *taking,* as I have been here. But right now I must enjoy some deep gulps of fresh air as Nature has seen fit to give me this great gift. Be back later when it's hot buttered rum time. Tchau!
