The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43564   Message #636902
Posted By: Anahootz
27-Jan-02 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: Why so little folk music on Morpheus?
Subject: RE: Why so little folk music on Morpheus?
Morpheus is ok, but a better service is audiogalaxy. Just weird "14midgets2horsesand5lbsofLard.mpg" when you type in "Wild Horses". You can get AGS from On the topic of free web-based music, I believe that any exposure to an artist is good exposure. I live in AK, and the chances of me hearing live folk music that doesn't suck are suprisingly low. Nor is the option of blowing thousands of dollars on CD's of folk artists who could suck a desirable thing. My solution is to download music from the 'net. If I find a particular artist that I enjoy, I usually find out what label they are on and, if it is a small label, I buy their product to support them.