The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9708   Message #63706
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
17-Mar-99 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Horse with No Name (from America)
Subject: RE: Desert-Horse-Name
I think we can blame Bobby Dylan for some of this. His penchant for obscure lyrics led others to believe that lyrics did not have to "mean" anything. So young songwriters began to write songs where the lines had meter and rhyme, but no meaning. Often they were portentious enough to appear to have meaning.

And the drugs didn't help. Too many hallucinogens and you can't separate fantasy from reality in your writings.

America, the group, epitomized the worst of popular music of their time. Three guys sitting cross-legged on a rug strumming their guitars and singing drivel!!!

Roger in Baltimore