The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9694   Message #63713
Posted By: Roger the zimmer
17-Mar-99 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: Closing songs
Subject: RE: Closing songs
It must be great to be asked to close the evening for the right reasons! With my voice, I'm designed to chase people to the car park! On a Greek holiday staying above the Aristico Taverna in Emborios, Kalymnos where the owner, Yorgos, daytime electrical engineer and evening waiter and guitarist, kindly let me join in, in exchange for filing gaps in his English lyrics, I usually ended with "Goodnight Irene" in honour of his wife, the superb cook, Eirene, but if they wanted an early night my rendition of one verse of Lieber & Stoller's "Trouble" usually got rid of the punters. Since then I've mastered the second verse and "she who must be obeyed" reckons I could empty whole islands now. On a strange birthday weekend on a Thames sailing barge, ostensibly for sailing and birdwatching with some friends (the weather was so bad the skipper dropped anchor on a mudbank where we stayed till it was time to go back, and the only birds we saw were seagulls being blown backwards) The captain played guitar, the cook played saucepans, I played comb and paper and we drank and sang the weekend away . Several witnesses claim when I sang "Blue Suede Shoes" everyone else dived overboard into the gale and swam for shore. I don't remember that (it WAS my birthday and Greek brandy always makes me sing) but I do remember the Captain saying that in fact he had been playing something else at the time. Good job I can't get to Mudstock, but emptying a field of 3,000 people would be a new challenge. I really envy those of you who CAN sing and play!