The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43590   Message #637309
Posted By: GUEST,
28-Jan-02 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: Best Affordable Mic
Subject: RE: Best Affordable Mic
Hi Bill

This question really depends on whether you are recording instrumentals or vocals and your needs may be different if you are also going to use the mic for performing Every voice and instrument sounds different with different mics. You can go to any good audio store and try some of them out to see what you like. I personally think a Shure 58 is not a great vocal mic, though it is ok with instruments.

I have an AKG C525 (?not sure if I got the # right) and I love it. Just this weekend I had a show in a big auditorium with a really great sound technician who suggested I sing into a SM87 (a great mic). After comparing, we both agreed the AKG was the best with my voice. He told me that he had not found it was best with other voices he tried it on. Conclusion.... you just have to listen.

Good Luck, Claire