The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43548   Message #637335
Posted By: GUEST,From Venus
28-Jan-02 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Chatter
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Chatter

I'm not saying that Mudcat should be changed. I'm saying that a new forum should be created, and people can read and post wherever they want.

I am not looking down on newbies at all. There are ways to cater to their needs, without limiting the discussion of advanced topics, or having to wade through huge volumes of BS threads. The beginner/advanced emphasis isn't a mutually exclusive thing, unless the reader/poster chooses to see it that way.

Just as there is a mode of decorum to be observed when it comes to treating one's elders with respect, so too should we treat those with greater knowledge who wish to share it with others, with that same decorum. That is pathetically lacking here at Mudcat, IMO and that fact disturbs me deeply. However, a new forum could build that sort of thing into the gestalt of the new group.

There aren't any traditional cultures I am aware of that allows idiots to shoot off their mouths anywhere, anytime, at any one, especially not the elders and more knowledgeable people within that social group, with impunity like people do here on a daily basis.

And these types of posts (ie from Jerry, SharonA) are the very reason why I don't think a new forum should be discussed here in Mudcat. So that's all I'll have to say about a new forum here.