The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43590   Message #638231
Posted By: NicoleC
29-Jan-02 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: Best Affordable Mic
Subject: RE: Best Affordable Mic
I'm not sure how "affordable" you mean, but for belters I was always fond of an RE20. You can usually pick them up used for about $400. They seem to last forever and can handle being dropped down a stairwell or two ;) They also travel well.

In the same (used) price range is the C414. Not quite as durable but much smaller, and a great all-around mic for vocal-range instruments like strings, piano, acoustic guitar, etc. Plays nicely with digital. They don't suit everyone's voice, though, as they tend to reveal every little detail (good or bad!)

I would definately try to do some borrowing and/or renting of mics to play with before you buy.