Remember Lenny Bruce Sins? He had a bit about how we'd never elect another southerner as President after listening to Johnson:**********************************************************
"Frayends, I theeink nukuler fishin....." You don't think shit you putz! Hell it took Lyndon Johnson 6 months to learn how to say Negro......"Naygerra...Neeggerra-a-o...Neegra-o...Neegera-0.......Aw sheeit, I cain't say it..."Say it fast Mr. President, try again.......uh...okay....Niggera ....Nigerroa........I just cain't do it..........Lemmee show'em my scar......."....Yeah man, that's it.....You talk like that you're a shitkicker man.....even if you win a Nobel Prize, you're still a shitkicker.
Jimmy at least WAS a nuclear guy and he could say it.....but even then it sounded odd. But this asshole? Between that and the friggin' smirk...................