The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43643   Message #638528
Posted By: CarolC
30-Jan-02 - 02:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Speech
Well, I just had my glucose level checked and it's perfect. I can safely guarantee that none of my health problems has anything to do with glucose levels. However, I can also safely say that they do have a lot to do with things that are correctible. But just not by me.

Some of my problems are the result of toxins in the environment. That's a situation that is getting worse rather than better, and it's going to continue to get worse before anyone does anything about it.

Lack of access to dental care is another issue that, if corrected, could make a big difference in preventing and/or correcting health problems in a lot of people. I don't see that one getting any attention any time in the near future, either.