Now, the ol' bobert was attending a meeting trying to come up with a plan to fix the only road connecting the panhandle of WV to Northern Va,.... and missed most of the speech. I turned it on just in time to hear Bush doing his "scarey story" bit... you know the one, with a terrorist lurking around every school, shopping mall, airport, etc. So, maybe I shouldn't have turned it off but when he goes into that routine, I'd raather be listening to rap music. But, I will give him some credit here. At least after he goes out and tries to scare the willies out of everyone, he follows up with his, "Go out and live your lives, get on the airplanes, everything is peachy" bit. Guess his stategy is to keep everyone scared and keep us at war long enough to pay off his sponsors. Speaking of sponsors. Remember when Bush went thru his entire warchest beating McCann in S. Carolina and all the Bush folks were wringing their hands at the prospect of having to continue the campaine with no money. Boy, did that warchest ever fill up almost overnight. Must be nice. The ol' bobert could use an account like that. Hmmmm? (rubs chin and eye roll toward the Lodge House ceiling) Hmmmm?...