The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37757 Message #639202
Posted By: Dave Bryant
31-Jan-02 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Little Dutch boy (and Dutch girl)
Subject: Add:The Little Dutch Boy and the Little Dutch Girl
I can remember singing this as a kid at school - we did hand motions to it. The chorus went:
Tick-tock, tick-tock went the funny old clock, And the little old mill went round and round and round Went the little old mill.
The verses were very simple ie:
A little Dutch boy and a little Dutch Girl Were sitting on a hill. Tick-tock etc
Said the little Dutch boy to the little Dutch girl "Now will you marry me ?"
And finishing:
So the little Dutch boy and the little Dutch girl Got married on the hill
The mention of HILL makes me think that the author was not ver well aquainted with Dutch topography !