The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43775   Message #641077
Posted By: GUEST,
02-Feb-02 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Pray for the Lights to Go Out
Subject: Father was a deacon
Phil Harris used to sing a song and I can remember most of the first verse-

Father was a deacon in a hardshell church way down South were I was born.
The people used to come from miles around just to hear the Holy work go on.
Father grabbed a sister round the neck and said,"Sister won't you sing this song."
Sister tells the deacon that she didn't have time felt religion coming on.
Just then somebody got up turned the lights all out and you ought to heard the people shout!
O, brother, if you want to spread joy just pray for the lights to stay out.
She called on deacon for to kneel and pray you ought to heard the sister shout.
Throwed up both hands and got way back took 2 steps forward and balled the jack.
O brother, if you want to spread joy just pray for the lights to stay out!

That's what I remember. There was another verse can you find it? And was that 1st verse correct?