The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43785   Message #641627
Posted By: Jim Dixon
03-Feb-02 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
So it appears that the Offaly/Minneapolis Paddy's tunes have NOT been transcribed.

That fits with what I heard, some time ago, from a friend who wanted to apply for a grant to transcribe Paddy's tunes, from the tapes to sheet music. She was discouraged because she wasn't getting any cooperation from Paddy. I think she abandoned the project.

I understand why Paddy wanted to make the tapes, but I don't see why he would object to allowing someone else to make sheet music as well. Unless it's a matter of money. Does he think that people who learn from sheet music are inferior musicians?