The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43719   Message #642054
Posted By: GUEST,Wasted Again In Dollywood
04-Feb-02 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: Campsite at Drumcree II
Subject: RE: Campsite at Drumcree II
Well you fellers better wise up and listen to my girl Mairead, or me and my Nashville girls are gonna hafta be kickin' yer butts all the way down that Drumcree holler!

Mairead honey, sing Big Ian that line from Barbry Allen in Irish again, woncha? Such a purty soundin little thing, ain't she? Did I tell you my folks was hill people too, just like y'all up there on Drumcree? And look, there's Emmylou now. Don't she look like the Shan Van Vocht just walked thru her! Bringin' all that Starvin' Kathleen back to her homeys, ain't she?

Listen up you fellas! No more blonde jokes, hear me? Mine's just a wig, but that little wisp o' smoke Mairead here might take it personal.