The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43719   Message #642794
Posted By: GUEST,Catering Department
05-Feb-02 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: Campsite at Drumcree II
Subject: RE: Campsite at Drumcree II
We'll start again ... Eamonn Holmes tried to ate the han' aff me!

Today's Menu

STARTERS Hairy Eel a la Derryadd Bog-hole Pike Goujons

ENTREES Nettle Champ Scallion Champ Spuds and Raw Egg Vegetable Roll and Sodie Bread Veda and Cheese

DESSERT Apple Bread Gravy Rings Cookies with Red Stuff

WINE LIST Buckfast 2002 Mundies 2002 Scotch Mac 2002 QC 2002

OTHER BEVERAGES Purple Tennents Special Brew Diamond White Watermelon Hooch (for the ladies) Baileys (for Eamonn Holmes)